Conducting Easy Virtual Site Inspections with Remote Presence During COVID-19

In the last few years, virtual site inspections for quality assurance have gained popularity due to how time-saving and cost-effective they are. Since the emergence of COVID-19, virtual inspections have proven to be an essential tool for businesses in all industries.

As the pandemic continues to sweep across the globe, the need for quality assurance across all industries has risen considerably to help prevent the spread of the virus. However, since the pandemic requires inspectors and enterprise analysis experts to socially distance themselves along with the rest of the population, conducting onsite inspections has become difficult—if not impossible.

Remote inspections are increasingly being conducted across various industries to remedy this situation. The validity of virtual site visits for quality assurance can be significantly increased using remote presence, or 360° technology. Through the immersive, in-person experience that 360° technology provides, inspectors can thoroughly inspect facilities while being hundreds of miles away.

virtual site inspections

What is Remote Presence?

Remote presence is an innovative way to connect and communicate with others on site. An inspector can use this new immersive technology to carry out a detailed 360° inspection from anywhere.

Remote presence involves the use of a 360° camera and other simple hardware to provide:

  • Live and real-time remote interactions
  • A real-life experience in which a person can look around as if they were present in the room
  • The elimination of costs and environmental damage incurred by travel
  • Increased convenience and reduced waiting times for all parties involved

Unlike regular video conferencing, remote presence provides an immersive experience— remarkably similar to being physically present at the location— allowing for a more thorough and reliable inspection process.

How Remote Presence Can be Used for Virtual Site Inspections Across Different Industries

With a global climate in which travel is restricted, and social distancing is required, remote presence can bridge the gap between the greater need for quality assurance inspections and the inability to physically be present at the enterprise location.

Let’s take a look at a few of the most common industries that can benefit from remote presence, especially during COVID-19.

1. Food Manufacturing Industry

Food inspection and quality assurance have always been a priority. To ensure the safety of all consumers, enterprise experts take extra care to certify that food is being harvested, manufactured, and distributed following the highest standards of safety.

Remote presence can be used to conduct virtual inspections to reduce the risk of microbial or chemical contamination in the food industry. The practicality this technology provides makes virtual inspections a great way to carry out quality assurance while ensuring the wellbeing of inspectors and workers during the pandemic.

remote safety checks

2. Pharmaceutical Industry

The FDA conducts regular inspections in the pharma sector to ensure the safe production and distribution of essential drugs. Remote presence allows these regular and targeted inspections in drug manufacturing and packaging warehouses to continue without putting pharma experts and consumers at risk of contracting the virus.

Pharmaceutical experts can conduct remote onsite meetings to provide recommendations that improve the safety and efficiency of the drug production process.

3. Construction Industry

Construction sites also require regular inspections to ensure they are following safety and quality regulations. Construction experts can now visit these sites regularly and safely through remote presence. With an expert reviewing the work in real-time, construction companies can reduce their costs for rebuilding and revisions, and they can also ensure their work moves along quickly without preventable delays occurring.

4. Supply Chain and Logistics

Remote presence can be used to conduct 360° inspections at a vendor facility or inspections along the line. Some companies want to inspect before items are transpored to their manufacting plant. Review of production facilities, equipment, manufacturing processes, and storage facilities can all be done remotely with 360° technology.

5. Real Estate Industry

Apart from large enterprises carrying out quality assurance checks, real estate companies can also utilize remote presence. Virtual inspections can allow buyers to continue searching for homes despite the travel restrictions caused by COVID-19. Real estate agents can provide potential buyers with an immersive tour of the properties they are interested in, so they can inspect the house thoroughly from the comfort of their current home.

Tips for Using Remote Presence and Conducting Successful Virtual Site Inspections

Anyone who intends on using remote presence should keep the following tips in mind to increase their chances of a successful virtual site inspection:

  • Implement a proper online system that has virtual inspection software allowing the scheduling of inspection requests and similar applications
  • Create an online meeting room that allows a recording of the virtual inspection process
  • Establish an easy way to upload videos and pictures to discuss results once the inspection is complete
  • Collect as much information as possible regarding the enterprise being inspected before the inspection begins
  • Produce virtual inspection checklists to organize the inspection procedure
  • Decide on a remote map or tour route that covers the most essential parts of the inspection before the inspection begins
  • Perform a trial run to ensure the remote presence technology is running as expected
  • Test the remote presence technology during the trial run in every area of the facility to ensure a good connection
  • Conduct multiple remote inspections to reduce chances of communication errors and to give inspectors the chance to examine areas they initially missed in more detail

remote construction site inspection

Quality Assurance and Safety with Remote Presence Technology

Manufacturing and distribution enterprises need to be monitored carefully to ensure the safe and efficient production of their goods and services. COVID-19 has made it difficult to continue onsite inspections, but this has given birth to the increased usage of remote presence technology to continue ascertaining quality assurance across all large enterprises.

Avatour’s 360° technology provides a live and immersive experience for all inspectors and enterprise experts, so they can continue their quality assurance duties remotely without the risk of contributing to the spread of the pandemic.

Schedule a demo with us today to get access to immersive remote presence equipment, so you can benefit from a virtual enterprise inspection during COVID-19.

Read our article on how to reduce carbon emissions.

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